I've always been the girl carrying around a reusable canvas bag in my purse to avoid the pileup of plastic bags under my kitchen sink. Thankfully many of the major grocery stores are starting to catch on, offering a cash back incentive to using reusable bags. It feels great for finally being rewarded for something I've always tried to do!
At home we really try to do our part in the little ways that we can... paper plates are only used when absolutely necessary, we limit our time in the car and group errands together, we're teaching the kids to turn off lights and water when not in use ... baby steps!
All of the recent recession talk has really got me thinking that maybe the victory gardeners of the older generations were on to something.
If fruit and vegetables grown at home taste better and cost less money than produce bought at the grocery store, why not try to grow my own victory garden?
We live in Central Jersey, where gardens and farmers markets are prevelant. The previous owners of our house had already started with a small garden, a strawberry patch, and grapevines. A great start, but we have more in mind! We're starting our vegetable garden this weekend, planting a few more berry bushes, and have plans for a pumpkin patch and an apple tree trellis.
To kickstart our plans, the kids and I took a trip yesterday to Lowes to pick up a few plants for outside, take a look:
Connor decided to help me move my herbs from the AeroGarden to outdoor pots

"Brittany, let me pose... it's very important that I have a picture on Earth Day!"

One of the flower baskets on our front porch

One of the window baskets that the kids filled -- they even picked the flowers

My herb garden on the back porch

The kids, proud of their work

Look... they're even getting along... maybe I can convince them that Earth Day happens more than once a year