While attending college and living in Midtown Manhattan I needed to find a job with flexible hours that offered attractive benefits. You know what they say about New York... there's a Starbucks on every corner! In fact, there were four in a two block radius from my Herald Square apartment building. Naturally it seemed like the logical place to work.
I attended an open house with my then-roommate Robbi, both hoping to land a position at one of the many stores in the area. When interviewing I remember being asked what I would bring to the position over the many other hopefuls in the lobby, to which I replied, "I'm passionate about food and I'm passionate about people." The interviewer then looked down at my brown cowboy boots under the table and said, "Well... you're definitely not a New Yorker."
Within a week I began working at a busy Starbucks location just outside a PATH station, generally starting work at 5 am. I struggled in the beginning with the lingo, the recipes, and the angry regular customers... oh, those customers... most of them were coming into the city from Jersey and I was the first person they spoke to after a crowded PATH ride. I put everything I had into that job, learning customers names and drinks... yes, even those crazy combinations. Quad-venti, 2 1/2 pump, soy, no foam, stirred, with whip mocha? Seriously?! (Actually I shouldn't really talk... my drink of choice is a grande, 1 pump, mocha)
I was blessed to have a store manager and coworkers who genuinely cared about each other and about making the job more than just serving coffee. We became friends with our customers and shared conversations about our lives and day to day experiences. When we began to interact with these "friends" of ours they quickly changed from being grumpy New Yorkers to real humans.
It has now been a few years since I've worked for Starbucks, and to be honest I really do miss it at times. From time to time I still like to enjoy a mocha for a bit of nostalgia. Yesterday I stopped to get a cup of coffee and could barely contain my excitement when I saw that Starbucks is now offering prepackaged Lucy's gluten-free cookies! The owner of the brand, Dr. Lucy, is a MD and a mother of a child with Celiac's... what better inspiration to start a business? Lucy, not that you'll ever read this, but if you're ever in NJ you're welcome to stop by for a cup of coffee... and a cookie!
Way to go, Starbucks! Thank you for offering a snack that my husband can enjoy with his coffee! I have a feeling that Bill and I will be spending a bit more time in your cafes now.
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